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Voter Guide 2022

Vote for Your Democratic Candidates

US Senate
Val Demings

US House
District 21 Corinna Balderramos Robinson

Governor/Lt Governor
Charlie Crist & Karla Hernandez-Mats

Attorney General
Aramis Ayala

Chief Financial Officer
Adam Hattersley

Commissioner of Agriculture
Naomi Esther Blemur

State House
District  85 Curtis Tucker
District 86  Raymond Denzel

Go to the Martin County Supervisor of Elections website to view your sample ballot..  Go here to fill in your name and birthdate and the app will display your personalized sample ballot so you can get acquainted with the categories and layout. Print it out so you have a copy.

Dates and times to remember:

Oct 11: Voter registration deadline

Oct 30: Vote-by-Mail request deadline

Oct 26 - Nov 5:   Early in-person voting,   8am - 5pm daily

Nov 8:  Vote-by-Mail ballots must be received in the SOE office by 7pm

Nov 8 : ELECTION DAY!    Polls open 7am - 7pm

Still have questions? 

Call the Martin County Democrats office at 772-221-0405


Do you want to print out a copy of this guide?

Click here for a printable copy of this page.

Florida Supreme Court Justices:  Should they be retained?

Short answer:  Either vote NO for all the justices, or vote NO for all justices except Justice Labarga, who is considered less conservative than the others.

Some detail:  Justices are initially appointed by governors but face a retention vote on the first general election more than one year after their appointment.  If elected, they serve six-year terms.  Currently all justices on the ballot were appointed by Republican governors. Out of the 5 justices up for retention, Justice Jorge Labarga seems to be the most moderate.   While some Democrats advocate NO for all the justice retentions, others believe they should vote YES for Justice Labarga and NO for all the others.  The Palm Beach Editorial Board recommends a YES for Labarga and a NO for all the others.  Click here to view their discussion.  

If you'd like to research the justices further, here are some sites to consider:,_2022

4th District Court of Appeals Judges:   Should they be retained?

Short answer:  Either vote NO for all the judges, or vote NO for all the judges except Justice Gross, who was appointed by a Democratic governor.


Some detail:  Similar election process as Supreme Court judges.  All were appointed by Republican governors except for Justice Gross, who was appointed by Lawton Chiles. 


Check out these websites to learn about the 7 judges up for retention.


AmendmentsThere are 3 constitutional amendments on the ballot. 

Short answer:  Vote NO on all amendments.


Some detail:  Note that all of these were brought about by the Legislature, not the public, which requires us to look at these amendments closely.   Many Democrats are voting NO for all 3 amendments.  In fact, the Palm Beach Post Editorial Board recently recommended a NO vote for all amendments: Click here to view their analysis.  Here is our own breakdown of the amendments:


Amendent #1:  Effective January 1, 2023 this amendment authorizes the Legislature to prevent flood resistance improvements made to a home (such as putting on stilts) from being considered when determining a property's assessed value for property taxes.  Analysis:  Some would argue this is good because it provides an incentive to homeowners to make their buildings more resilient to storms.  Others argue this would reduce the ad valorem taxes available for local government, that this would primarly benefit the wealthy, and that the state should not be amending the constitution for such purposes.


Amendment #2:  This amendment would abolish the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC).  This body meets every 20 years to determine what amendments to the State Constitution are needed and, if approved, the amendment is then put on the ballot.   Analysis:  Those supporting this amendment say the CRC has put forth unpopular and sometimes confusing amendments and this body is no longer needed.  Others say that this is one significant  means by which the public can update the state's constitution periodically and should be left in place.  Safeguards could be enacted to improve amendment wording and to prevent bundling of issues within the amendments, which has caused confusion in the past.


Amendment #3:  This amendment would let the Legislature give an additional homestead tax exemption of $50,000 on the assessed value of homestead property owned by classroom teachers, law enforcement officers, corrrectional officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, child welfare services professionals, active-duty members of the United States Armed Forces, and Florida National Guard members.   Analysis:  Some would argue this is an appropriate benefit to provide to workers in these fields, while others would argue providing an additional $50k property tax exemption is unwise.  They point out that salaries for these professions should be increased and that government should work to provide more affordable housing, not reduce local government money by providing additional  tax exemptions.


For more discussion on the merits of these amendments,  you might check out these sites:  (League of Women Voters)

​  (Florida Tax Watch) 




*Details on In-Person Early Voting*


Oct 26 – Nov 5

8am – 5pm daily


Early Voting Locations:



Elections Center (SOE Office),  135 SE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

Robert Morgade Library,  5851 SE Community Dr



Hobe Sound Library, 10595 SE Federal Hwy



Elisabeth Lahti Library, 15200 SW Adams Ave



Hoke Library,  1150 NE Jack Williams WayJ



Cummings Library,  2551 SW Matheson Ave​


You are required to provide current and valid photo and signature identification in order to vote in person. Acceptable forms:

• Florida driver’s license
• Florida Identification Card (ID) issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles
• U.S. passport
• Debit or credit card
• Military identification
• Student identification
• Retirement center identification
• Neighborhood association identification
• Public assistance identification
• Veteran health identification card issued by the US Dept. Of Veterans Affairs
• A license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm
• Employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the Federal Government, the state, county or municipality

Visit the Martin County Supervisor of Elections website at for further details on all matters related to voting.  To reach SOE by phone, call 772-288-5637 during office hours 8am – 5pm.

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Martin County Democratic Party 

611 SW Federal Hwy, Suite K1
Stuart, FL 34994


PO Box 1497
Stuart, FL 34995


Phone:  772-221-0405     


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Paid for and approved by the Martin County Democratic Executive Committee

The Martin County DEC does not endorse any candidate or candidate's committee.


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